village business ideas in hindi 2023

village business ideas in hindi 2023 Hello friends, today you will know which is the most running business in the village. Because now times have changed, now people do not want to go out of the village to work, but want to do their own business in the village itself.

village business ideas in hindi

village business ideas in hindi 2023

And why not, because when they go out, they can feed only 5 people in their family. But when he starts his own business in his own village, he will be able to feed at least 5 families along with him.

In such a situation, there is a need to know which is the most running business in the village. So that you too can do a good business running in the village, which has been explained in detail in this article.

Which is the most running business in the top 12 villages?

Today we are going to tell you about the top 12 village businesses (Top 12 Village Business Ideas in Hindi). Out of which you can select any one business as per your comfort. Because this is the most running business in the village.

1.Cold storage business

Most of the farmers live in villages and the biggest challenge faced by the farmers is to keep the grains safe, for which cold storage is required. Because farmers grow many such crops which if not kept properly will rot like potatoes, onions etc.

However, cold storage is also provided by the government. But cold storage facility is not available in every village. Due to which small farmers face the most problems. Because they do not have any resources of their own where they can keep their grains safe.

Therefore, if cold storage business is done in the village, it will be very useful, in which you will be able to do business with small farmers as well as big farmers. However, for this business you may have to invest up to Rs 50 thousand initially.

2.Business of selling fertilizers and seeds

India is an agricultural country where 70% of the population depends on agriculture. And most of the farmers live in villages. But the farmer has to go from village to city to buy fertilizers and seeds. Because either good fertilizer and seeds are not available in the village or it is not available cheaply.

If you can stop the farmers from coming from the village to the city to buy fertilizer and seeds, it means that you can provide the best fertilizers and seeds to the farmers in the village itself. So this will be a better business for you.

The best thing about this business is that if good fertilizer and seeds are given to the farmer at the right price. So he will take it from you and will also do marketing for you for free. Therefore, this can also be done as the most popular business in the village.

3.Labor contractor business

You also agree that most of the people in the village are close. Therefore, due to poverty, people have started leaving farming and migrating to cities to work as labourers. Where sometimes they get work and sometimes they don’t. Somehow he supports his family by doing small jobs.

Therefore, if you start a labor contractor business, you will be able to help these laborers also. Because there is a need for laborers in the city, especially in factories. But the workers do not have enough information to find the right job for themselves.

Therefore, if you do the business of labor contractor, then wherever there is a need for laborers, you will be able to provide employment to the people of your village or nearby villages. This is a type of contractor business.

4.Business of giving small loans

The problem of money is a big problem for the people living in the villages, because firstly, there are not many banks in the villages and even those that exist do not want to give loans to the farmers. But everyone needs money.

The second biggest problem is that the village people are not very educated, due to which they are afraid of taking loans from the bank. Even today, there are many farmers in the village who think it is right to take loan only from moneylenders. Whereas moneylenders give money at double the interest than the bank.

Therefore, if you want to become the most popular business in the village, you can start the business of giving small loans in the village. Just a request that do not give loan at high interest and give loan in small amount. Once your business is established, you can also pay larger amounts on interest.

5.Salon and beauty parlor business

Now gone is the time when only city people used to pay attention to their looks. Now the business of salons and beauty parlors also runs very well in the villages because everyone likes to look beautiful. This is a business which both boys and girls can do.

If it is a boy, you can open a salon and for a girl, parlor business will be very successful. The business of beauty looks has grown a lot in the last few years.

Although you can start parlor or salon business by learning from someone, but my advice would be that you do a short course in it. There are many institutes where parlor and salon courses are conducted. Because once you take a course, you look professional.

6.Online work

Now is the digital era, so work has also started happening online. The biggest advantage of online work is that you can do the work even sitting at your home. It does not matter whether you are from village or city because there is a lot of work for which you do not need to go anywhere. The most interesting thing is that in the last few years people have earned crores by working online.

If you also want to earn crores by working online, then you will have to master any digital skill like blogging, YouTube, Facebook ads, graphic designing, content writing, social media marketing, digital marketing.

By learning any such digital skill, you can earn from thousands to crores per month. By learning such digital skills, you can work for yourself or for others.

7.Medical store business

Medical store business is also very active in the village. Since there is no hospital in the village, the first thing the villagers go to in case of any problem is the medical store. Even the villagers call the compounder in the medical store a doctor.

Most of the people who run medical stores in the village do not have any degree. Therefore, if you are going to open a medical store then definitely take some degree. So that you do not have to face any kind of problem in future.

If you open a medical store in the village then undoubtedly it will work. The biggest thing is that the medical store owner gets a lot of respect in the village.

8.Gym center business

Corona virus made everyone understand what are the consequences of not being healthy. Therefore now everyone is conscious about their health. This awareness is not only in the city but also among the village people.

Although the people of the village do farming, due to which their body is already healthy. But it is everyone’s dream to have a shapely body, which can be achieved only in the gym. Because of which people like to go to the gym.

But even today a good gym is not available in the village. And if there is a gym then it does not have good trainers. Therefore, if you want, you can open a gym in the village.

9.Goat rearing business

There are some jobs which are very difficult to do in the city like goat rearing. If it is a matter of one or two goats then they can be reared in the city but if it is a matter of 25-50 then it is very difficult to rear them in the city. Because firstly there will be lack of space and secondly the fodder will be very expensive.

But both these things will be easily available in the village, hence doing work like goat rearing in the village is more beneficial. The demand for goats is also increasing with time. Especially during Eid, each goat is sold for lakhs.

Therefore, if you do goat rearing business in the village, you will undoubtedly benefit.

10.Poultry farming business

Poultry rearing is done in two ways, one for eggs and the other for hens. And there are many benefits in both ways. However, in today’s time both chicken and egg are prepared. But you should supply good quality eggs and chicken. Although your customers will be less but your benefits will be huge.

Because a chicken raised by injection is definitely cheaper. But with time people will understand how much this cheap chicken has cost them. Therefore, you should sell good quality chicken from the beginning.

11.Organic farming business

Not only are chickens made to grow faster by injecting them, but crops are also made to grow faster by putting chemicals in the fields. Due to which we are not able to get the clothing element of the crop. People do this type of farming because it brings more profits.

But they forget that the profits from such crops may be higher. But later they fall ill after eating it and then give the profit to the doctor. Therefore, now gradually people have also started buying organic fruits and vegetables.

Meaning, if you know farming then this is the right time to do organic farming. Because its demand is gradually increasing. And if you start farming without chemicals from now, you will earn good profits in the coming days. In this type of farming, you will not only get profit but will also get self-satisfaction that you are making people’s lives better.

12.Photocopy and stationery business

If nothing has changed even in this digital age, it is photocopy, even today there is a need for photocopy in most of the offices. Therefore, photocopying business can also be done in the village. You can also keep stationery items along with the photocopy shop. A lot of profit can be earned in this type of business also.village business ideas in hindi

Which business will do well in the village?

A good business running in the village is something like this.
hire tractor heavy
thresher machine
lease farming
animal husbandry
Apart from this, there are many other business ideas which you can do. If you observe your surroundings, you will see many business ideas.

Which business to do in village with less money?

grocery store
Photo copy
animal husbandry
milk work
driver’s job

What employment can be done in the village?

Yes, of course employment can be done in villages also. All you need is to know about a good business idea, which has been explained in detail in this article.

Which is the most common occupation in rural areas?

The most common occupation in rural areas is farming.

How to create more employment in rural areas?

The government is also helping to generate more employment in rural areas. But it is a bitter truth that no government can provide employment to everyone. Therefore, employment opportunities should also be created for the people of rural areas so that more and more people can get employment. If you work on the business ideas mentioned in this article, you can run a family of at least 5 people. However, employment opportunities are also provided by the government such as MNREGA.

What is the main occupation of rural people?

The main occupation of rural people is agriculture.

Where do village people go in search of employment?

Village people migrate from villages to cities in search of employment, where they often work as laborers or in factories.

Which profession is followed by most of the people in villages?

Most of the people of the village adopt the profession of agriculture or animal husbandry.


Today you have to know about which is the most running business in the top 12 villages. I am sure that after reading this article, you will definitely select a good business to run in the village. If you still have any question in your mind then please ask in the comment below. We will help you in every possible way. village business ideas in hindi

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