AMG is short for Aufecht, Melcher, and Großaspach, the division of Mercedes-Benz that produces performance vehicles.

Named after some of the most important engineers in the company’s history, this division creates vehicles with advanced engines, aerodynamic bodies, and high-speed capabilities.

Most of the vehicles it produces are similar to standard Mercedes-Benz models, but have higher capabilities. 

Whenever Mercedes-Benz launches a new line of vehicles, the AMG team collaborates heavily with its designers.

They pay close attention to the standard car’s performance characteristics, and develop a plan to incorporate AMG engines and other technologies.

They take into account longitudinal and lateral dynamics, driver comfort, and exterior aesthetics, making sure that enhancing the horsepower does not undermine any of these aspects. 

They then alter all features that need to be changed to accommodate the new performance characteristics. The engineers pay particular attention to the

drivetrain, axles, brakes, dampers, and body, all of which are essential for both safety and efficiency.This ensures that every element of 

the vehicle works well with all of the others, providing a smooth, consistent ride at even the highest speeds.